Friday 26 November 2021

Kopie vom Kontaktformular

Persönliche Angaben
Anrede: Frau
Vorname: vpqrm4b3
Name: ?? Alice want to meet you! Click Here: ??
Strasse: 0272a3
Hausnummer: 235828328283
PLZ: 235828328283
Ort: gh8djb3y
Telefon: 235828328283

Ihr Kommentar:

[X] Ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen. Ich stimme zu, dass meine Angaben und Daten zur Beantwortung meiner Anfrage elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden.
Read More :- "Kopie vom Kontaktformular"

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Learn more about our updated Terms of Service

On January 5, 2022, we're making some changes to our Terms of Service. These changes won't affect the way you use Google services, but they'll make it easier for you to understand what to expect from Google — and what we expect from you — as you use our services.

You can review the new terms here. At a glance, here's what this update means for you:

  • More clarity on what you can expect from Google and what we expect from you: We're providing more examples to describe the mutually respectful conduct that we expect from all our users.
  • Improved readability: While our terms remain a legal document, we've done our best to make them easier to understand, including reorganizing some topics so that they're easier to find.

If you use Family Link to manage a Google Account for someone else, please take some time to talk to them about these changes.

Thank you for using Google!

Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, 94043

You have received this email to update you about important changes to Google's Terms of Service.

Read More :- "Learn more about our updated Terms of Service"