Friday 22 May 2020

ShellShock Payload Sample Linux.Bashlet

Someone kindly shared their sample of the shellshock malware described by the Malware Must die group - you can read their analysis here:

File: fu4k_2485040231A35B7A465361FAF92A512D
Size: 152
MD5: 2485040231A35B7A465361FAF92A512


SHA256: e74b2ed6b8b005d6c2eea4c761a2565cde9aab81d5005ed86f45ebf5089add81
File name: trzA114.tmp
Detection ratio: 22 / 55
Analysis date: 2014-10-02 05:12:29 UTC ( 6 hours, 50 minutes ago )
Antivirus Result Update
Ad-Aware Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
Avast ELF:Shellshock-A [Expl] 20141002
Avira Linux/Small.152.A 20141002
BitDefender Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
DrWeb Linux.BackDoor.Shellshock.2 20141002
ESET-NOD32 Linux/Agent.AB 20141002
Emsisoft Linux.Backdoor.H (B) 20141002
F-Secure Linux.Backdoor.H 20141001
Fortinet Linux/Small.CU!tr 20141002
GData Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
Ikarus Backdoor.Linux.Small 20141002
K7AntiVirus Trojan ( 0001140e1 ) 20141001
K7GW Trojan ( 0001140e1 ) 20141001
Kaspersky 20141001
MicroWorld-eScan Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
Qihoo-360 Trojan.Generic 20141002
Sophos Linux/Bdoor-BGG 20141002
Symantec Linux.Bashlet 20141002
Tencent Win32.Trojan.Gen.Vdat 20141002
TrendMicro ELF_BASHLET.A 20141002
TrendMicro-HouseCall ELF_BASHLET.A 20141002
nProtect Linux.Backdoor.H 20141001

Related posts

Read More :- "ShellShock Payload Sample Linux.Bashlet"

Reversing Pascal String Object

There are many goodware and malware developed in pascal, and we will see that the binary generated by the pascal compilers is fascinating, not only because the small and clean generated binaries, or the  clarity of the pascal code, but also the good performance. In Linux we have Lazarus which is a good free IDE like Delphi and Kylix the free pascal IDE for windows.

The program:

program strtest;

  cstr:  array[0..10] of char;
  s, s2:  ShortString;

  cstr := 'hello world';
  s  := cstr;
  s2 := 'test';
  WriteLn(cstr + ' ' + s + ' ' + s2);

We are going to compile it with freepascal and lazarus, and just the binary size differs a lot:

lazarus          242,176 btytes  845 functions
freepascal       32,256 bytes   233 functions
turbopascal      2,928 bytes     80 functions  (wow)

And surprisingly turbopascal binaries are extremely light.
Lets start with lazarus:

Logically it imports from user32.dll some display functions, it also import the kernel32.dll functions and suspiciously the string operations of oleaut32.dll 

And our starting point is a function called entry that calls the console initialization and retrieve some console configurations, and then start a labyrinth of function calls.

On functions 10000e8e0 there is the function that calls the main function.

I named execute_param2 because the second param is a function pointer that is gonna be executed without parameters, it sounds like main calling typical strategy.
And here we are, it's clearly the user code pascal main function.

What it seems is that function 100001800 returns an string object, then is called its constructor to initialize the string, then the string is passed to other functions that prints it to the screen.

This function executes the method 0x1c0 of the object until the byte 0x89 is a null byte.
What the hell is doing here?
First of all let's create the function main:

Simply right button create function:

After a bit of work on Ghidra here we have the main:

Note that the struct member so high like 0x1b0 are not created by default, we should import a .h file with an struct or class definition, and locate the constructor just on that position.

The mysterious function was printing byte a byte until null byte, the algorithm the compiler implemented in asm is not as optimized as turbopascal's.

In Windbg we can see the string object in eax after being created but before being initialized:

Just before executing the print function, the RCX parameter is the string object and it still identical:

Let's see the constructor code.
The constructor address can be guessed on static walking the reverse-cross-references to main, but I located it in debugging it in dynamic analysis.

The constructor reads only a pointer stored on the string object on the position 0x98.

And we have that the pointer at 0x98 is compared with the address of the literal, so now we know that this pointer points to the string.
The sentence *string_x98 = literal confirms it, and there is not memory copy, it only points reusing the literal.


The starting labyrinth is bigger than Lazarus so I had to begin the maze from the end, searching the string "hello world" and then finding the string references:

There are two ways to follow the references in Ghidra, one is [ctrl] + [shift] + F  but there is other trick which is simply clicking the green references texts on the disassembly.

At the beginning I doubted and put the name possible_main, but it's clearly the pascal user code main function.

The char array initialization Is converted by freepascal compiler to an runtime initialization using mov instructions.

Reducing the coverage on dynamic we arrive to the writeln function:

EAX helds  a pointer to a struct, and the member 0x24 performs the printing. In this cases the function can be tracked easily in dynamic executing the sample.

And lands at 0x004059b0 where we see the WriteFile, the stdout descriptor, the text and the size supplied by parameter.

there is an interesting logic of what happens if WriteFile() couldn't write all the bytes, but this is other scope.
Lets see how this functions is called  and how text and size are supplied to figure out the string object.

EBX helds the string object and there are two pointers, a pointer to the string on 0x18 and the length in 0x18, lets verify it on windbg.

And here we have the string object, 0x0000001e is the length, and 0x001de8a68 is the pointer.

Thanks @capi_x for the pascal samples.

Related word

Read More :- "Reversing Pascal String Object"

Removing Windows 8/8.1 Password With CHNTPW

[Update] If you want to recover Windows 8/8.1 passwords instead of removing them see this tutorial

So we are back. About a Year ago I wrote a post on how to remove Windows Password using CHNTPW but many readers complained that it was not working on Windows 8. I tried myself on many it worked but once I also got stuck. So I did a little work around. In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to remove Windows 8/8.1 passwords using CHNTPW. Well it's little bit tedious than the older one but believe me it's fun too.


Let's get started with a little bit background. Windows OSs have a User known as Administrator which is hidden by default. This user is there for security reasons (maybe it's the way around). Most of the users who use Windows are lame, sorry to say that but I'm not talking about you, they don't even know that such an invisible account exists so it is almost everytime without a password. But this Administrator user is a SU (Super User), that means you work wonders once you get access to this account. So our first task will be to make it visible and then we'll access it and using it's power privilages we'll remove password of other accounts (which is not really neccessary cuz you can access any user folder or file using Administrator Account).


1. Physical Access to the Victems computer.
2. A Live Bootable Kali/Backtrack Linux Pendrive or DVD.
    (You can downoad Kali Linux here)


1. Plug in the Live Bootable Pendrive/DVD into to victim's computer and then boot from it.

2. After accessing kali linux (I'm using Kali Linux) from victim's computer open a terminal.

3. Now we have to mount the drive on which the victim's OS is loaded. In my case it is sda2. So in order to mount that drive I'll type the command:
mount /dev/sda2 /media/temp

this means that I'm mounting the drive in folder /media/temp if you haven't created a temp folder in /media then you must create one by typing these command:
cd /
mkdir /media/temp

4. After mounting the OS we need to access the SAM file and make visible Administrator account using chntpw. It's so simple lemme show you how.
first we'll navigate to /media/temp/Windows/System32/config:
cd /media/temp/Windows/System32/config

now we display the list of users on our victim's computer:
chntpw SAM -l

You'll see an Administrator User there which is disabled. Now we'll enable that:
chntpw SAM -u Administrator

now type 4 and hit return

press 'y' to save changes to SAM file.

OK voila! the hard part is done.

5. Now restart your Computer and take out your Pendrive/DVD from your computer and boot into windows 8 OS. You should be able to see Administrator User on Logon screen now. If not then look for a backward pointing Arrow besides the user Login Picture. Click on that Arrow and you should see an Administrator User. Click on the Administrator Account and wait for a while until windows 8 sets it up.

6. After a while you get Access to the computer and you can access anything. Enjoy :)

7. What you want to remove the password? I don't think it's a stealth mode idea, is it? OK I'll tell you how to do that but It's not a good hacker way of doing.
Open up the command prompt, simple way to do it is:

Press Ctrl + 'x' and then Press 'a' and if prompted click yes.
After that Enter following commands:

net user
(This command will display all users on computer)

net user "User Name" newPassword 
(This Command will change the Password of User Name user to newPassword).
OK you're done now logout and enter the new password. It will work for sure.

8. If you want to disable the Administrator Account again then type in command prompt:
net user Administrator /active:no

I tried it on Windows 8/8.1 all versions and it works. Guess what it works on all windows OSs.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Don't forget to share it and yes always read the Disclaimer.
Related news
Read More :- "Removing Windows 8/8.1 Password With CHNTPW"

Thursday 21 May 2020

10 Best Wifi Hacking Android Apps To Hack Others Wifi (Without Root)

 Top 10 Best wifi hacking apps to hack wifi^s.   

Today, a smartphone without internet is like a decade ago featured phone which is mainly used to dial and receive the call. No one would even want such a phone today. The Internet is now a necessity for every mobile user. They can't live without the internet and unfortunately; if the Internet is not working due to some signal issues; they get frustrated and sometimes depressed too.

Generally, we need to pay for the Internet subscription package to run mobile data on our smartphone. But what to do if I don't want to spend money on the Internet? The solution is to connect your mobile with WiFi. You can access the internet from there. Easy, right? NO, it's not easy until you know the password of WiFi. But what if you don't know.

Two ways possible in this situation

  1. Either you ask for the password to the owner; he will provide you to use his internet through Wi-Fi
  2. You have to hack the Wi-Fi password of other's network and use the internet as an unauthorized person.

First is not reliable when you don't know the person so, you only have a second option. Today, I am going to share a few apps that help you steal the password and allow you to use the internet from others' account.

1. WiFi WPS WPA Tester

This is the foremost tool to hack the WiFi password without knowing even the root. This is a preferred choice of numerous smartphone users to decipher the pin and get access to the Wi-Fi. As time passes, a tool is upgraded and now even hack the WiFi networks while it was used to check if an access point is highly vulnerable to the rancorous attacks or not.

If you are using Lollipop or above version on your android mobile phone; you don't even need to root your device to crack a WiFi network.

Android App


  • Easy to use
  • Free
  • Decrypt the password in no time.
  • Implementation of several algos like Zhao, Arris, Dlink and more.


  • Need root access if you are using the version below Lollipop.

2. WPS Connect

Routers which has enabled a WPS protocol can be hacked with this app. The important thing is that almost all routers found in public places and homes fall under this category. In short, you will have what you want. Moreover, you can focus on your router & examine that it's vulnerable to any malicious attack or not. It helps you hack the WiFi password without root and also strengthen your WiFi network.

Once you identify the vulnerable (accessible) network, you can quickly get the password and start using the internet without any hassle. It uses algorithms like easyboxPIN and Zhao. Although, this app is not compatible with various Android phones as it is tested on Android devices like the Galaxy series, Nexus and more.

Android App


  • It's free and easy to use
  • Powerful algorithms (Zhao & easyboxPin) to crack the password
  • Supports pinning of Wi-Fi routers


  • Incompatible with few android devices
  • Couldn't identify the network automatically.

3. WiFi WPS WPA Tester Premium

This is an excellent app to decrypt the WiFi network password on your android phone. This works fine on rooted & non-rooted android phones. If you can root the Android device; you can have a better chance to hack into. Today,  security is the primary concern and so, many people use the highly secured wireless router, I think. For such networks, this app will not work as it should be. But, still it can work for numerous times with the help of WPS; not all the time. Every time, you have to try your luck to get access to other's WiFi network. This WPS WPA tester is a premium apk.

Android App


  • Works for both rooted and non-rooted android devices
  • Find the nearby network and connect your mobile with it.


  • It's a premium apk.
  • You have to try your luck to get access to the nearby network.
  • Not good to connect with highly secured wireless routers.

4. AndroDumpper Wifi (WPS Connect) – Discontinued

If you want to connect to a router which is WPS enabled; download this app immediately without going down to browse for other apps. Just open the app, start its interface & find the nearby wireless networks, you want to connect with. The app will provide an excellent option to regain the password of a selected network with & without root. Once you implemented the algorithm; it will display the password in app screen & connect to the network. Isn't it easy for you?

Android App


  • It's Free on Google Play Store
  • Easy to use and faster than some other tool.
  • Works fine for rooted & non-rooted devices
  • A dedicated blog is available for the tool (Get guidance anytime)
  • Supports for giant company routers (Vodaphone, Asus, Huawei, Dlink, etc.)


  • Rooting is required if you are using a version below android 5.0
  • Works only for WPS enabled routers.

5. Wi-fi Password Hacker Prank

Wifi Password hacker prank is a free app for the android users and can help you to connect your android phone to wifi networks available nearby. This free app simulates a process of hacking the wireless network with your smartphone. With this app, you can hack all wifi network passwords with just one key. The Prank word itself says it's a funny app used to prank with your friends. Sometimes, girls can be impressed with this prank as well. But try this at your own risk. Look excellent and professional in front of your friends and colleagues.

Steps to Hack Wifi using the Wifi Password Hacker Prank:

  • Catch up the wireless networks near to you and then select the secure network you wish to hack.
  • Wait for a while & a dialogue will be opened with the wifi password.
  • Bingo! Paste the password and start using others' Internet without spending single money.
  • Watch your favourite show and movie in High-Definition quality without worrying about your mobile data.
Android App

6. WiFi Warden

WiFi Warden is one of the finest and free android WiFi hacking apps to get access to others WiFi with ease. With WiFi Warden, a user can Analyze the WiFi networks, connect to your WiFi using the passphrase and WPS and view saved WiFi passwords without root.

By analyzing the WiFi networks, you can see all necessary information that can be discovered on the wireless networks around including BSSID, SSID, Channel bandwidth, encryption, security, router manufacturer, distance and channel number, etc.

Android App


  • Find the less crowded channel to get WiFi access.
  • You can root your device on all Android versions.
  • Easy to use and connect with the router quickly.
  • All features of this app are available for free.


  • This app doesn't work on all types of router, use a passphrase instead.
  • Access Point (AP) must have enabled WPS.
  • Require Android version 6 (Marshmallow) or higher version is necessary to display Wi-Fi networks around you.
  • Some of the features are in the testing phase. So, use it your own risk.

7. WiFi Password

'WiFi Password' is a completely free app for those who don't want to get away from the Internet even when their internet data is running out. You can connect with others' WiFi routers and use their Internet.

If you are using Android Version 5 or above; 'WiFi Password' can be the right choice for you to watch your favorite shows on YouTube in HD without even worrying about Mobile Data.

Android App


  • Millions of WiFi Hotspots
  • Scan and detect the WiFi security
  • Connect WiFi Hotspot nearby without knowing the WiFi Password
  • You can simply add a free WiFi Hotspot by sharing the passwords with others.

Cons :

  • Still, there are some glitches in it but works well.

8. WiFi Kill Pro

WiFi Kill is one the best WiFi network controller application which can disable the Internet connection of others who are connected to the same network. Yes, this is true. It is a useful tool for internet users who want to improve their data speed by disabling other's internet connection and allocate all the bandwidth to your device only.

Currently, this app is only for Android users and needs root access to perform well.

Android App


    • You can see all connected device on the same network you are connected.

    • Display the data transfer rate of all devices

    • Monitor network activity

    • You can cut the network connection of any connected device.
  • It works well on tablets too.


    • Require root access
  • Require Android version 4.0.3 or up to use this app.

9. Penetrate Pro

A popular Wifi hacker app for android users, Penetrate pro is free and works well on Android devices. This app is widely used to find WEP and/or WPA keys to connect the devices with network routers without knowing the wifi password. Just install the app and search for the network; this app starts automatically displaying the WEP/WPA keys on the screen. Tap on the network you want to connect; one it gets connected; you can start watching videos on YouTube. Quite interesting, doesn't it?

Android App


    • Easy to search nearby free wifi networks.

    • Connect the network without knowing keys
  • Available for Free


    • Not available on Google Play Store; need to download manually.
  • Works well only for the rooted android devices

So, you have got the list of apps that help you use the internet from other's wireless network without getting caught. If you have any idea of any other Wi-Fi password hacking app; just let me know. We would love to discuss it here.

Disclaimer: VR Bonkers is not responsible for any consequences if you face while using any of the above apps. This is just a list and we are not taking any responsibility for the same. So, use them at your risk.


More information

  1. Software Hacking
  2. Foro Hacking
  3. Hacking Wireless 101 Pdf
  4. Hacking Web
Read More :- "10 Best Wifi Hacking Android Apps To Hack Others Wifi (Without Root)"

Samurai: Web Testing Framework

"The Samurai Web Testing Framework is a live linux environment that has been pre-configured to function as a web pen-testing environment. The CD contains the best of the open source and free tools that focus on testing and attacking websites. In developing this environment, we have based our tool selection on the tools we use in our security practice. We have included the tools used in all four steps of a web pen-test." read more...


Read more

Read More :- "Samurai: Web Testing Framework"

Wednesday 20 May 2020

ShellShock Payload Sample Linux.Bashlet

Someone kindly shared their sample of the shellshock malware described by the Malware Must die group - you can read their analysis here:

File: fu4k_2485040231A35B7A465361FAF92A512D
Size: 152
MD5: 2485040231A35B7A465361FAF92A512


SHA256: e74b2ed6b8b005d6c2eea4c761a2565cde9aab81d5005ed86f45ebf5089add81
File name: trzA114.tmp
Detection ratio: 22 / 55
Analysis date: 2014-10-02 05:12:29 UTC ( 6 hours, 50 minutes ago )
Antivirus Result Update
Ad-Aware Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
Avast ELF:Shellshock-A [Expl] 20141002
Avira Linux/Small.152.A 20141002
BitDefender Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
DrWeb Linux.BackDoor.Shellshock.2 20141002
ESET-NOD32 Linux/Agent.AB 20141002
Emsisoft Linux.Backdoor.H (B) 20141002
F-Secure Linux.Backdoor.H 20141001
Fortinet Linux/Small.CU!tr 20141002
GData Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
Ikarus Backdoor.Linux.Small 20141002
K7AntiVirus Trojan ( 0001140e1 ) 20141001
K7GW Trojan ( 0001140e1 ) 20141001
Kaspersky 20141001
MicroWorld-eScan Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
Qihoo-360 Trojan.Generic 20141002
Sophos Linux/Bdoor-BGG 20141002
Symantec Linux.Bashlet 20141002
Tencent Win32.Trojan.Gen.Vdat 20141002
TrendMicro ELF_BASHLET.A 20141002
TrendMicro-HouseCall ELF_BASHLET.A 20141002
nProtect Linux.Backdoor.H 20141001

Related posts

Read More :- "ShellShock Payload Sample Linux.Bashlet"

$$$ Bug Bounty $$$

What is Bug Bounty ?

A bug bounty program, also called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs. Bug bounty programs are often initiated to supplement internal code audits and penetration tests as part of an organization's vulnerability management strategy.

Many software vendors and websites run bug bounty programs, paying out cash rewards to software security researchers and white hat hackers who report software vulnerabilities that have the potential to be exploited. Bug reports must document enough information for for the organization offering the bounty to be able to reproduce the vulnerability. Typically, payment amounts are commensurate with the size of the organization, the difficulty in hacking the system and how much impact on users a bug might have.

Mozilla paid out a $3,000 flat rate bounty for bugs that fit its criteria, while Facebook has given out as much as $20,000 for a single bug report. Google paid Chrome operating system bug reporters a combined $700,000 in 2012 and Microsoft paid UK researcher James Forshaw $100,000 for an attack vulnerability in Windows 8.1.  In 2016, Apple announced rewards that max out at $200,000 for a flaw in the iOS secure boot firmware components and up to $50,000 for execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges or unauthorized iCloud access.

While the use of ethical hackers to find bugs can be very effective, such programs can also be controversial. To limit potential risk, some organizations are offering closed bug bounty programs that require an invitation. Apple, for example, has limited bug bounty participation to few dozen researchers.

Related word

Read More :- "$$$ Bug Bounty $$$"

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Mythbusters: Is An Open (Unencrypted) WiFi More Dangerous Than A WPA2-PSK? Actually, It Is Not.


Whenever security professionals recommend the 5 most important IT security practices to average users, one of the items is usually something like: "Avoid using open Wifi" or "Always use VPN while using open WiFi" or "Avoid sensitive websites (e.g. online banking) while using open WiFI", etc.

What I think about this? It is bullshit. But let's not jump to the conclusions. Let's analyze all risks and factors here.

During the following analysis, I made two assumptions. The first one is that we are comparing public WiFi hotspots with no encryption at all (referred to as Open), and we compare this to public WiFi hotspots with WPA2-PSK (and just hope WEP died years before). The other assumption is there are people who are security-aware, and those who just don't care. They just want to browse the web, access Facebook, write e-mails, etc.

The risks

Let's discuss the different threats people face using public hotspots, compared to home/work internet usage:
1. Where the website session data is not protected with SSL/TLS (and the cookie is not protected with secure flag), attackers on the same hotspot can obtain the session data and use it in session/login credentials stealing. Typical protocols affected:

  • HTTP sites
  • HTTPS sites but unsecured cookie
  • FTP without encryption

2. Attackers can inject extra data into the HTTP traffic, which can be used for exploits, or social engineer attacks (e.g. update Flash player with our malware) – see the Dark Hotel campaign

3. Attackers can use tools like SSLStrip to keep the user's traffic on clear text HTTP and steal password/session data/personal information

4. Attackers can monitor and track user activity

5. Attackers can directly attack the user's machine (e.g. SMB service)

WPA2-PSK security

So, why is a public WPA2-PSK WiFi safer than an open WiFi? Spoiler alert: it is not!

In a generic public WPA2-PSK scenario, all users share the same password. And guess what, the whole traffic can be decrypted with the following information: SSID + shared password + information from the 4-way handshake.
If you want to see it in action, here is a nice tutorial for you
Decrypted WPA2-PSK traffic

Any user having access to the same WPA2-PSK network knows this information. So they can instantly decrypt your traffic. Or the attackers can just set up an access point with the same SSID, same password, and stronger signal. And now, the attacker can instantly launch active man-in-the-middle attacks. It is a common belief (even among ITSEC experts) that WPA2-PSK is not vulnerable to this attack. I am not sure why this vulnerability was left in the protocol, if you have the answer, let me know. Edit (2015-08-03): I think the key message here is that without server authentication (e.g. via PKI), it is not possible to solve this.
Let me link here one of my previous posts here with a great skiddie tool:

To sum up, attackers on a WPA2-PSK network can:

  • Decrypt all HTTP/FTP/IMAP/SMTP/POP3 passwords or other sensitive information
  • Can launch active attacks like SSLStrip, or modify HTTP traffic to include exploit/social engineer attacks
  • Can monitor/track user activity

The only difference between open and WPA2-PSK networks is that an open network can be hacked with an attacker of the skill level of 1 from 10, while the WPA2-PSK network needs and an attacker with a skill level of 1.5. That is the difference.

The real solutions

1. Website owners, service providers should deploy proper (trusted) SSL/TLS infrastructure, protect session cookies, etc. Whenever a user (or security professional) notices a problem with the quality of the service (e.g. missing SSL/TLS), the service provider has to be notified. If no change is made, it is recommended to drop the service provider and choose a more secure one. Users have to use HTTPS Everywhere plugin.

2. Protect the device against exploits by patching the software on it, use a secure browser (Chrome, IE11 + enhanced protection), disable unnecessary plugins (Java, Flash, Silverlight), or at least use it via click-to-play. Also, the use of exploit mitigations tools (EMET, HitmanPro Alert, Malwarebytes AntiExploit) and a good internet security suite is a good idea.

3. Website owners have to deploy HSTS, and optionally include their site in an HSTS preload list

4. Don't click blindly on fake downloads (like fake Flash Player updates)

5. The benefits of a VPN is usually overestimated. A VPN provider is just another provider, like the hotspot provider, or the ISP. They can do the same malicious stuff (traffic injecting, traffic monitoring, user tracking). Especially when people use free VPNs. And "Average Joe" will choose a free VPN. Also, VPN connections tend to be disconnected, and almost none of the VPN providers provide fail secure VPNs. Also, for the price of a good VPN service you can buy a good data plan and use 4G/3G instead of low-quality public hotspots. But besides this, on mobile OSes (Android, iOS, etc.) I strongly recommend the use of VPN, because it is not practically feasible to know for users which app is using SSL/TLS and which is not.

6. Use a location-aware firewall, and whenever the network is not trusted, set it to a Public.

7. In a small-business/home environment, buy a WiFi router with guest WiFi access possibility, where the different passwords can be set to guest networks than used for the other.

Asking the question "Are you using open WiFi?", or "Do you do online banking on open WiFi?" are the wrong questions. The good questions are:
  • Do you trust the operator(s) of the network you are using?
  • Are the clients separated?
  • If clients are not separated, is it possible that there are people with malicious intent on the network?
  • Are you security-aware, and are you following the rules previously mentioned? If you do follow these rules, those will protect you on whatever network you are.

And call me an idiot, but I do online banking, e-shopping, and all the other sensitive stuff while I'm using open WiFi. And whenever I order pizza from an HTTP website, attackers can learn my address. Which is already in the phone book, on Facebook, and in every photo metadata I took with my smartphone about my cat and uploaded to the Internet (

Most articles and research publications are full of FUD about what people can learn from others. Maybe they are just outdated, maybe they are not. But it is totally safe to use Gmail on an open WiFi, no one will be able to read my e-mails.

PS: I know "Average Joe" won't find my blog post, won't start to read it, won't understand half I wrote. But even if they do, they won't patch their browser plugins, pay for a VPN, or check the session cookie. So they are doomed to fail. That's life. Deal with it.

Related word
Read More :- "Mythbusters: Is An Open (Unencrypted) WiFi More Dangerous Than A WPA2-PSK? Actually, It Is Not."

DiscordRAT - Discord Remote Administration Tool Fully Written In Python

Discord Remote Administration Tool fully written in Python3.
This is a RAT controlled over Discord with over 20 post exploitation modules.

This tool is for educational use only, the author will not be held responsible for any misuse of this tool.
This is my first project on github as such this project is far from perfect , I will listen to any criticism as long as it is constructive.

Setup Guide:
You will first need to register a bot with the Discord developper portal and then add the bot to the server that you want. Once the bot is created copy the token of your bot and paste it at line 11.
Now on go on discord , go to the settings , go to appearance , scroll to the bottom , and activate "Developer Mode",now go to the server where your bot added right click on the channel where you want the bot to post , click copy ID and finally , paste the ID in the parenthesis in line 99.
Install requirements ("pip3 install -r requirements.txt")
Then if steps above were succesful after launching the python file, or executable , it will post a message on the server with a generated uuid , all that is left to do is posting "!interact " with the given uuid.
Now your bot should be available to use !
Compiling to exe (optional):
If you want to compile the bot to exe you can use PyInstaller.
Inside the directory of the bot execute "PyInstaller --onefile --noconsole" or "python3 -m PyInstaller --onefile --noconsole DiscordRAT(NoCV).py (or"
If an error occured during compiling try to import the discord module "PyInstaller --onefile --noconsole --hidden-import=discord"
If you have problems with the installation of win32api or other modules , try installing it in a python virtual environment.
There are two python files one has opencv and webcam related modules the other does not, this has been done because open-cv adds multiple dozens of megabytes to the compiled .exe file.

via KitPloit

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Read More :- "DiscordRAT - Discord Remote Administration Tool Fully Written In Python"