Friday 14 September 2012

Bus Sponsors

Here is a list of all the Bus sponsors:
Football game September 21st
1) Lara Screffler
2) Maragaret Howell
3) Heather Santistevan
4) Linda Hill
5) Lori Bell
6) Patricia cKinney
7)Heather Vigil
8) ____________________
Jeffco Fest Sepember 24th
1) Lara Schreffler
2) Heather Santistevan
3) Patricia McKinny
4) Lori Bell
5) Maragaret Howell
6) Lorrie Howell
7) Linda Bellacom
Football Game October 12th
1) Lara Schreffler
2) Maragaret Howell
3) Heather Santistevan
4) Angela Lewis
5) Linda Hill
6) Annette McMahon
7) Patricia McKinney
8) Heather Vigil
CBA 4A Regionals Ocober 15th
1) LaraSchreffler
2) Maragaret Howell
3) Heather Santisevan
4) Patricia McKinney
5) Lori Bell
6) Lorrie Ham
7) Linda Bellacom
8) _____________________
Football Game October 26th
1) Lara Schreffler
2) Maragaret Howell
3) Heather Santistevan
4) Linda Hill
5) Patricia McKinney
6) Heather Vigil
7) Lori Bell
So as you can see we have  few openings.  We need 4 sponsors per bus, and we take 2 buses.
Let me know if you woul like to fill any of these spots.
Heather Santistevan


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