Wednesday 30 January 2013

[RRS Run Group] Colorado Ragnar Relay Discount...

Hey Guys,
Here is a $50 off promo code for you, in case any of you are forming a team this year... CO13MDM
James Bettis

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Read More :- "[RRS Run Group] Colorado Ragnar Relay Discount..."

Monday 28 January 2013



Someone who created this blog illegally signed up to be on a Google
group for a high school band.

They've then posted these e-mails to this blog. DO NOT CLICK ON

Clicking on some of the links here will take you to pornographic sites
which may contain viruses!
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Sunday 27 January 2013

Re: Girlscout Cookies!!

Hunter Mossey little sister us also selling cookies.  Let Hunter or I know if you are interested. 720-259-7907

Jennifer Mossey

----- Reply message -----
From: "Angela Lewis" <>
To: "HamGotts" <>
Cc: "Hatcher Rishona L" <>, "Pomona Music Boosters" <>
Subject: Girlscout Cookies!!
Date: Sun, Jan 27, 2013 1:17 pm

Hello everyone!

My daughter Kailah (Isaiah's little Sister) is selling Girlscout cookies!  Since I'm Mom AND Dad and can't sell at work I thought I would ask the biggest group I belong to.

Please let me know if and when since we already have the cookies available, that you would like to purchase some to eat or to donate.

Cookies are $3.50 a box. This year we have: SAMOAS, THIN MINTS, DOSIDOS (crunchy peanut butter filled sandwich), SAVANNAH SMILES (hard lemon bites with powdered sugar), TREFOILS AND  TAGALONGS!

You can email or call!
(720) 621-3890

Thank you much!

On Jan 25, 2013 6:54 PM, "HamGotts" <> wrote:

For those who replied to me about meals for Craig's family and for anyone else that would like to help, please go to the Pomona band website at to sign up for a date to bring in a meal.


Craig's mom, Doris is very tired and Marshall is very sick right now.  I know she would appreciate anything we can do.


Craig is still in Boulder Memorial Hospital with no target date yet for discharge. 


Please call me or email me if you need to.


Thank you all in advance for your help!




Read More :- "Re: Girlscout Cookies!!"

Girlscout Cookies!!

Hello everyone!

My daughter Kailah (Isaiah's little Sister) is selling Girlscout cookies!  Since I'm Mom AND Dad and can't sell at work I thought I would ask the biggest group I belong to.

Please let me know if and when since we already have the cookies available, that you would like to purchase some to eat or to donate.

Cookies are $3.50 a box. This year we have: SAMOAS, THIN MINTS, DOSIDOS (crunchy peanut butter filled sandwich), SAVANNAH SMILES (hard lemon bites with powdered sugar), TREFOILS AND  TAGALONGS!

You can email or call!
(720) 621-3890

Thank you much!

On Jan 25, 2013 6:54 PM, "HamGotts" <> wrote:

For those who replied to me about meals for Craig's family and for anyone else that would like to help, please go to the Pomona band website at to sign up for a date to bring in a meal.


Craig's mom, Doris is very tired and Marshall is very sick right now.  I know she would appreciate anything we can do.


Craig is still in Boulder Memorial Hospital with no target date yet for discharge. 


Please call me or email me if you need to.


Thank you all in advance for your help!



Read More :- "Girlscout Cookies!!"

Friday 25 January 2013

Meals for the Van Gundy Family

For those who replied to me about meals for Craig’s family and for anyone else that would like to help, please go to the Pomona band website at to sign up for a date to bring in a meal.


Craig’s mom, Doris is very tired and Marshall is very sick right now.  I know she would appreciate anything we can do.


Craig is still in Boulder Memorial Hospital with no target date yet for discharge. 


Please call me or email me if you need to.


Thank you all in advance for your help!



Read More :- "Meals for the Van Gundy Family"

FW: BINGO Reminder for January 27th


Adult Team 4:

    Lara Schreffler

    Heather Santistevan

    Linda Hill

    Lorrie & Mark Ham

    Margaret & Joe Howell



   Justin Lockwood

   Meggan Langen

   John Kempsell

   Dominick Cordova

   William Kirkpatrick

   Robert Patterson


Report time is at 5:45. Please remember if you are unable to make your scheduled time to find a sub and let me know by phone or by text to: 720-690-9951. Thank you.


Lara A. Schreffler, CPA

Senior Auditor


   5590 E. Yale Ave, Suite 201

   Denver, CO  80222

   303-758-5558  x ­­­­­­130

   866-869-3994 facsimile


    Please visit our website at


Read More :- "FW: BINGO Reminder for January 27th"

Casino Trip

Hey all,
We the time is finally here the casino trip is tomorrow,
Thank you all for signing up.
Please be at Pomona at 4:50 so we can get on the road at 5pm.
See you tomorrow.
Thank you
Heather Santistevan
Heather Santistevan
Pamela Henderson
Lisa Martin
Lara Shreffler
Angela Lewis
Karen Langen
Mark Ham
Lorrie Ham 
Lori Bell
Donna Esoarza
Shanda Romero
Patricia McKinney
Lori DeWolfe
Paul Dewolfe
Alma Sanchez
Paul Helller
Becky Whelan
Kathleen Benway
Tammy Brown
Russell Brown

Scott Bell

Shirley Ruiz
Carissa Smith
Jeffrey Thornton

Read More :- "Casino Trip"

Thursday 24 January 2013

[RRS Run Group] Saturday morning run

See you there

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Read More :- "[RRS Run Group] Saturday morning run"

[RRS Run Group] Saturday morning run

Hey runners, Road Runner Sports' morning run in Westminster on Saturday, January 26th at 8:00 am will feature Mizuno test running shoes. Matt Duncan from Mizuno will be here to raffle off a free pair of your favorite Mizuno running shoe and other schwag. Runners of all paces and distances welcome. Come ready to have fun!

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Read More :- "[RRS Run Group] Saturday morning run"

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Band family in need of meals

Hi everyone


Thank you to those of you that responded and are willing to help with meals for Craig Van Gundy’s mother and his son Marshall.


Paul DeWolf will work on a signup sheet that will be posted on the web site .  He hopes to have it ready by Thursday.


If  two or three families a week sign up that would be great!  Maybe with enough for two meals.


After talking to Doris, Craig’s mother she was overwhelmed that we were willing to help.  She is very tired and this would help them very much.


I will post her numbers (cell and home) and address when Paul is ready to launch the sign up.


Please keep all of them in your thoughts and prayers, it may be a long journey but if you know Craig, he has a lot of fight in him and will not give up easily!


Thank you so much!



Read More :- "Band family in need of meals"

Casino Trip

Hi all,
Thal lady luck has extended our deadline.  I have email them the list of who is going so far and they emailed back and said that I can add up untill 10PM tomorrow (wednesday) night.  So if your not on the list go ahead and email me your info and I will get you on the list
Thank you all so much
Heather Santistevan
Who is signed up
Heather Santistevan
Pamela Henderson
Lisa Martin
Lara Shreffler
Angela Lewis
Karen Langen
Mark Ham
Lorrie Ham 
Lori Bell
Donna Esoarza
Shanda Romero
Patricia McKinney
Lori DeWolfe
Paul Dewolfe
Alma Sanchez
Paul Helller
Becky Whelan
Kathleen Benway
Tammy Brown
Russell Brown
Scott Bell

Read More :- "Casino Trip"

RE: Digest for - 3 Messages in 2 Topics

We’re thinking maybe some gift certificates to some places that delivers, that way they can what they want when.






From: []
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 12:22 AM
To: Digest Recipients
Subject: Digest for - 3 Messages in 2 Topics



§  Last chance for the casino bus [1 Update]

§  Meals for Band Family [2 Updates]

Heather Santistevan <> Jan 21 11:10AM -0800  

HI all,

Today is the last day to sign up for the casino bus to the Lady Luck Casino.

I have to email the list by 6:00 tonight.

We are leaving Pomona at 5PM Saturday night returning at 11pm Saturday

The cost is $25.00. That is $20.00 to your student account and $5.00 to
the general fund.

We are also going to have a 50/50 raffle on the way. The proceeds of that
go to the scholarship fun.

Lorri and Mark I still need you Dates of Birth in order to register you.

Becky I need you the info from you for you and your mom Name, Address,
email address, and dates of birth.

Anyone else who wants to join us let me know by 5pm tonight

Thank you all for your support
Heather Santistevan
** <>


Margaret Wilshek <> Jan 21 05:19AM -0800  

Jack and I will be happy to bring a meal to Marshall and his grandmother.
Any night will work.
Thank you for organizing this!!!
Margaret Wilshek

From: HamGotts <>
To: 'Pomona Music Boosters' <>
Cc: 'Hatcher Rishona L' <>;
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 10:33 PM
Subject: Meals for Band Family

Hi Everyone…
Yesterday Ms Hatcher and I visited our friend and band dad, Craig VanGundy, father of Marshall a freshman baritone.  Craig will be in the hospital a while longer, perhaps a couple of weeks or more depending on how things go.
Friends have asked if we, the band, might be willing to bring in meals to his mother and Marshall.  They live across from Pomona and would sure appreciate anything we could do.
Our thinking is that beginning this week, we offer a couple of people per week to bring in food.
Please email me if you can help and I will work to put together a schedule.. Marshall says he does not like Chinese and his grandmother doesn’t like McDonalds!  I told him we could probably accommodate that!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you in advance.
-- Jan 21 07:30AM -0800  

We would be happy to do a few meals. Let us know where and when.
Cindy Pascua
--- On Sun, 1/20/13, HamGotts <> wrote:
From: HamGotts <>
Subject: Meals for Band Family
To: "'Pomona Music Boosters'" <>
Cc: "'Hatcher Rishona L'" <>,
Date: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 10:33 PM
Hi Everyone…
Yesterday Ms Hatcher and I visited our friend and band dad, Craig VanGundy, father of Marshall a freshman baritone.  Craig will be in the hospital a while longer, perhaps a couple of weeks or more depending on how things go.
Friends have asked if we, the band, might be willing to bring in meals to his mother and Marshall.  They live across from Pomona and would sure appreciate anything we could do.
Our thinking is that beginning this week, we offer a couple of people per week to bring in food.
Please email me if you can help and I will work to put together a schedule.. Marshall says he does not like Chinese and his grandmother doesn’t like McDonalds!  I told him we could probably accommodate that!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you in advance.


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Read More :- "RE: Digest for - 3 Messages in 2 Topics"

Monday 21 January 2013

Last chance for the casino bus

HI all,


Today is the last day to sign up for the casino bus to the Lady Luck Casino.


I have to email the list by 6:00 tonight. 


We are leaving Pomona at 5PM Saturday night returning at 11pm Saturday night.


The cost is $25.00.  That is $20.00 to your student account and $5.00 to the general fund.


We are also going to have a 50/50 raffle on the way.  The proceeds of that go to the scholarship fun.


Lorri and Mark I still need you Dates of Birth in order to register you.


Becky I need you the info from you for you and your mom Name, Address, email address, and dates of birth.


Anyone else who wants to join us let me know by 5pm tonight


Thank you all for your support

Heather Santistevan


Read More :- "Last chance for the casino bus"

Re: Meals for Band Family

We would be happy to do a few meals. Let us know where and when.
Cindy Pascua
--- On Sun, 1/20/13, HamGotts <> wrote:

From: HamGotts <>
Subject: Meals for Band Family
To: "'Pomona Music Boosters'" <>
Cc: "'Hatcher Rishona L'" <>,
Date: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 10:33 PM

Hi Everyone…


Yesterday Ms Hatcher and I visited our friend and band dad, Craig VanGundy, father of Marshall a freshman baritone.  Craig will be in the hospital a while longer, perhaps a couple of weeks or more depending on how things go.


Friends have asked if we, the band, might be willing to bring in meals to his mother and Marshall.  They live across from Pomona and would sure appreciate anything we could do.


Our thinking is that beginning this week, we offer a couple of people per week to bring in food.


Please email me if you can help and I will work to put together a schedule.. Marshall says he does not like Chinese and his grandmother doesn't like McDonalds!  I told him we could probably accommodate that!


I look forward to hearing from you!


Thank you in advance.




Read More :- "Re: Meals for Band Family"

Re: Meals for Band Family

Jack and I will be happy to bring a meal to Marshall and his grandmother.
Any night will work.
Thank you for organizing this!!!
Margaret Wilshek
From: HamGotts <>
To: 'Pomona Music Boosters' <>
Cc: 'Hatcher Rishona L' <>;
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 10:33 PM
Subject: Meals for Band Family

Hi Everyone…
Yesterday Ms Hatcher and I visited our friend and band dad, Craig VanGundy, father of Marshall a freshman baritone.  Craig will be in the hospital a while longer, perhaps a couple of weeks or more depending on how things go.
Friends have asked if we, the band, might be willing to bring in meals to his mother and Marshall.  They live across from Pomona and would sure appreciate anything we could do.
Our thinking is that beginning this week, we offer a couple of people per week to bring in food.
Please email me if you can help and I will work to put together a schedule.. Marshall says he does not like Chinese and his grandmother doesn't like McDonalds!  I told him we could probably accommodate that!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you in advance.

Read More :- "Re: Meals for Band Family"

Sunday 20 January 2013

Meals for Band Family

Hi Everyone…


Yesterday Ms Hatcher and I visited our friend and band dad, Craig VanGundy, father of Marshall a freshman baritone.  Craig will be in the hospital a while longer, perhaps a couple of weeks or more depending on how things go.


Friends have asked if we, the band, might be willing to bring in meals to his mother and Marshall.  They live across from Pomona and would sure appreciate anything we could do.


Our thinking is that beginning this week, we offer a couple of people per week to bring in food.


Please email me if you can help and I will work to put together a schedule.. Marshall says he does not like Chinese and his grandmother doesn’t like McDonalds!  I told him we could probably accommodate that!


I look forward to hearing from you!


Thank you in advance.



Read More :- "Meals for Band Family"

Re: Casino Bus

You have had the casino bus 'finalized' several other times as well. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 1, 2013, at 2:22 PM, Heather Santistevan <> wrote:

We have the Casino Bus finalized finally.


The bus is picking us up at Pomona at 5pm on January 26th


We will reach the Lady Luck Casino at 6pm


The bus will leave the Casino at 10pm


Returning to the school at about 11pm.


The cost is $25.00 a person with $20.00 to the student accounts and $5.00 into the general fund. You will get transportation free snacks, free food items and $5.00 free cash.


We need to stay at the lady Luck in order to have enough points to have the bus for free.


I need you First and last name, Address, email address and date of birth to register you for the trip. You will receive a player's card when we reach the casino so there will be no waiting in line for one. If you already have one I need your first and last name and your player's card number to register you.


Please email me and let me know by the end of the day January 21st on order to get our information to the Casino.



We are also planning on have another 50/50 raffle on the bus so bring your singles.


Should be alot of fun! Hope to see you all on the bus.

Heather Santisetvan


Read More :- "Re: Casino Bus"

Casino Bus sign up

We have the Casino Bus finalized finally.

The bus is picking us up at Pomona at 5pm on January 26th

We will reach the Lady Luck Casino at 6pm

The bus will leave the Casino at 10pm

Returning to the school at about 11pm.

The cost is $25.00 a person with $20.00 to the student accounts and $5.00 into the general fund. You will get transportation free snacks, free food items and $5.00 free cash.

We need to stay at the lady Luck in order to have enough points to have the bus for free.

I need you First and last name, Address, email address and date of birth to register you for the trip. You will receive a player's card when we reach the casino so there will be no waiting in line for one. If you already have one I need your first and last name and your player's card number to register you.

Please email me and let me know by the end of the day January 21st on order to get our information to the Casino.

We are also planning on have another 50/50 raffle on the bus so bring your singles.


Here is a list of who I have sined up.
Heather Santistevan
Pamela Henderson
Lisa Martin
Lara Schreffler
Angela Lewis
Karen Langen
Mark Ham  (need date birth)
Lorrie Ham (need date of birth)
Lori Bell
Donna Esparza
Sanda Romero
Patricia McKinney
Lori DeWolfe
Paul DeWolfe
Alma Sanchez
Paul Heller ( need address, email address, and date of birth)
We still have room and would love for you to join us.
Please let me know by Monday January 21st by 5pm.
Heather Santistevan

Read More :- "Casino Bus sign up"

Friday 18 January 2013

student sub for this weekend

Hi All,


Chris Huser needs to trade weekends with someone else since he's out of town this weekend.  Let me know if you're able to switch.


Thanks!  Carol Huser

Read More :- "student sub for this weekend"

Thursday 17 January 2013

Bingo Reminder for Sun Jan. 20th

Please be at the bingo hall (65th & Wadsworth – by DMV) by 5:30/ 5:45 the latest.  Here is who I have working bingo this week. If you are not able to work, please find a sub and let me know who is subbing for you. 



Karen Langan – mgr

Michael McMahon/ Paul Heller – callers

Linda Bellacome

Terri Chawla

Annette McMahon

Patty Adler

Carol Huser – 1st session

Sherry Delaney – 1st session

Sylvia Hoogstad



Austin Snyder

Chris Huser

Andris Balodis

Roberto Santistevan

Brandon Hill

Isaiah Cobbs


Thank you


Karen Langan
720-849-3911 – cell


Read More :- "Bingo Reminder for Sun Jan. 20th"

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Re: January Booster Meeting

Hey - it's Brent. Does anyone have the book Night by Elie Wiesel. Mr. V wants us to have it by Friday. Would anyone be willing to loan it to me? I can't find it anywhere.
Thanks!  Brent Ingle (720) 988-4262

Read More :- "Re: January Booster Meeting"

Band Night Out

We are having a band night out at Panda Express on 72nd and Sheridan.  Tuesday February 5th from 12pm-10pm.

With the attached flyer we recieve 20% for our band program. 
Hope to see you all there
Thank you
Heather Santistevan

Read More :- "Band Night Out"

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Casino Bus- Sign up deadine January 21st 5pm

We have the Casino Bus finalized finally.


The bus is picking us up at Pomona at 5pm on January 26th


We will reach the Lady Luck Casino at 6pm


The bus will leave the Casino at 10pm


Returning to the school at about 11pm.


The cost is $25.00 a person with $20.00 to the student accounts and $5.00 into the general fund. You will get transportation free snacks, free food items and $5.00 free cash.


We need to stay at the lady Luck in order to have enough points to have the bus for free.


I need you First and last name, Address, email address and date of birth to register you for the trip. You will receive a player's card when we reach the casino so there will be no waiting in line for one. If you already have one I need your first and last name and your player's card number to register you.


Please email me and let me know by the end of the day January 21st on order to get our information to the Casino.



We are also planning on have another 50/50 raffle on the bus so bring your singles.


Should be alot of fun! Hope to see you all on the bus.

Heather Santisetvan


Read More :- "Casino Bus- Sign up deadine January 21st 5pm"

Scrip Order 1/15/13

I will be placing the next scrip order after tonight. I unfortunately had a last minute change and will not be at the booster meeting tonight now.

If you would like to order any scrips, please put them in the red box and let me know that you placed them in there.  You may also email your order or drop off the order/check at my house (6411 W 82nd Dr), or give to Meggan Langan.  Either way, please just send me an email or text on where you placed it, so that I can look for them.  Sorry for the inconvenience.


Thank you

Karen Langan


Read More :- "Scrip Order 1/15/13"

Sunday 13 January 2013

January Booster Meeting

Hi Everyone!


Happy New Year!  Hope those of you that worked the Bronco Game have thawed out by now! WOW! What a game! L


Please remember the Booster Meeting will be this Tuesday, January 15th at 7:00 PM in the Band Room, the freshly painted band room!


See you are there!



Read More :- "January Booster Meeting"

Friday 11 January 2013

Bronco's Game Tomorrow 1.12.13

  • For tomorrow's game: 
Wear layers! Long underwear, there is a little bit of heat but last game several of us wore our winter coats most of the game. Bring a warm hat as well! We have ball caps but I wore my snow cap at the last game.
Be comfortable and be warm!
Seasons almost over let's continue to be the best stand there!
See you there!


Read More :- "Bronco's Game Tomorrow 1.12.13"

Thursday 10 January 2013

Sunday bingo....

Hey there guys!
This sunday is Kimberlee Hensley's week for bingo. She has this year's flu and is really really sick. There is no way for her to make it. Can someone from next week bingo trade with her or something? She hasnt even been to school yet she is still running 103 temp....
Please let us know!
Tracie Hensley ( Kim's mom )

Read More :- "Sunday bingo...."

Ride to the Broncos Game

Good Morning!
I am in need of a ride to the Broncos game Saturday. Could anyone who is working help me out?
Vern Clark

Read More :- "Ride to the Broncos Game"

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Re: [RRS Run Group] Weds 1/9

How about it was not too cold to run at 520 this morning so I already
got my run in today???

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Kurt <> wrote:
> To all you fair weather runners there will be no "good" excuse
> tonight. Hope to see you at 6pm.
> Kurt
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Road Runner Sports Westminster" group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Road Runner Sports Westminster" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at
Read More :- "Re: [RRS Run Group] Weds 1/9"

Bingo Reminder 01/13/2013

Bingo Reminder for this Sunday 01/13/13        
Please be at the bingo hall be 5:45.
Wilshek - Magager
Lee Ripley - Caller
Tracy Ripley
Pat Ferrington
Heather Vigil
Lori DeWolf (trade with Patricia McKinney)
Jim May
Stupelli Sharon
Howell Rebecca
DeWolf Kristen
Ahrberg Sami
Adams Jarrett
Hensley Kimberlee
Margaret Wilshek
Read More :- "Bingo Reminder 01/13/2013"