Tuesday 22 January 2013

Band family in need of meals

Hi everyone


Thank you to those of you that responded and are willing to help with meals for Craig Van Gundy’s mother and his son Marshall.


Paul DeWolf will work on a signup sheet that will be posted on the web site www.pomonaband.org .  He hopes to have it ready by Thursday.


If  two or three families a week sign up that would be great!  Maybe with enough for two meals.


After talking to Doris, Craig’s mother she was overwhelmed that we were willing to help.  She is very tired and this would help them very much.


I will post her numbers (cell and home) and address when Paul is ready to launch the sign up.


Please keep all of them in your thoughts and prayers, it may be a long journey but if you know Craig, he has a lot of fight in him and will not give up easily!


Thank you so much!




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