Wednesday 5 December 2012

Bingo Reminder - Sunday 12/09

Bingo Reminder for Sunday December 9th.
Please be at the bingo hall by 5:45. 
Patricia has sent out a plea for a sub, but has not gotten a response.  If anyone can fill in for her
that would be great!
Dec. 9th Adults:
Becky Whelan / Karen Langan - Manager sub for Margaret Wilshek
Lee Ripley - Caller
Tracy Ripley
Pat Ferrington
Heather Vigil (will be a little late due to work)
Jim May
Patricia McKinney (will be out of town and no one has responded to her request for a sub)
Dec. 9th Students:
Sarah Stemmler
Brittany Salazar
Hunter Mossey
Jennifer Kirby
Emily Garner
Tressa Fell


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