Friday 21 December 2012

Re: FW: email to band parents from Ms. Hatcher

Hi Everyone,
There is a change to the schedules listed in Ms Hatcher's email.  Schedule changes can be made at the following times today:
9am - 12pm  Juniors and Seniors
1pm - 3:30pm  Freshman and Sophomors
Sorry for the confusion.
Margaret Howell
On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 7:32 PM, HamGotts <> wrote:

From Ms. Hatcher


Dear Band Parents,


As the fall semester ends, I have a few pertinent things I'd like you all to be aware of.


First of all, schedule changes for the spring semester occur tomorrow and we have 27 students in band who need to fix their schedule due to band classes. Both students and counselors know what change they need to make. Junior/Senior schedule changes happen all day, 9 AM-3 PM, and freshman/sophomore changes are from 12 PM-3 PM. Listed below are all the students who need to change their schedule. If your student is on this list, they must show up tomorrow to get their schedule fixed.


I would also like to let you know how our percussion ensemble is going to work in the spring. First of all, ANY student has the option of taking the 7th hour percussion class. This class will teach students how to play all the percussion instruments, and they will also be performing on our spring concert on May 2nd. This gives students a great opportunity to learn a new instrument while also perfecting rhythmic skills on their main instrument. We also have a percussion ensemble that will meet every Thursday 5:00-8:00 PM. It is mandatory that all percussion students attend the Thursday evening percussion ensemble. If there are any conflicts, percussion students need to see me. This ensemble is also optional for anyone else to join; no experience is necessary. The staff are very excited about the potential and all the possibilities of the after-school percussion ensemble. Students will play in smaller ensembles based on their ability level and they will also have many performance opportunities throughout the semester, including our concert on 5/2. The fee to join the 7th hour class or the after school percussion ensemble is $50.00. This is the rental price for percussion, so if your student has already paid this fee for the year, then there is no cost. 


As a clarification, these will be sectional times for the spring:


Woodwinds: Monday, 6-8 PM

Brass: Mondays, exact times to be determined in January

Percussion: Thursdays, 5-8 PM

Color Guard: Tues/Thur, 4-8 PM


Without giving away too many secrets, the staff are hard at work planning our marching show for next year. We're super excited about it, and it feels great to have this much time to plan a show for the following year! The show is going to be fairly percussion heavy, so I would highly encourage your student to be apart of the percussion ensemble...this will greatly help them for the fall! :)


Something else that has been in the works for a few months now, and has officially been approved is that next fall symphonic band, concert band, percussion ensemble, and color guard will be classes students take during the day, and marching band will be after school. We are also adding a History of Rock and Roll class. Exact schedules are still to be determined, but I wanted you to hear from me that this is how marching band will work next year. All the staff see this as extremely positive, and we're very happy the school has supported us in this change. This gives us the opportunity to recruit students from schools that do not have a marching band, as well as 8th graders from Moore. Also, students will become more proficient on their instrument since they will be in a concert ensemble year round, rather than just the spring semester. More info will follow as we continue planning for next year. 


I'd like to say congratulations to the following students who were accepted to honor bands this year!

Larenz Aguina-Lynch

Megan Bowyer

Dylan Brule

Nate Deanda

Ryan Heller

Brian Hensel

Kaitlin Henderson

John Kempsell

Sharon Stupelli

I'm so proud of them, and the hard work they put into preparing for auditions! We're still waiting to hear back from a few more honor bands, so we may have even more students who were accepted. I will be sending honor band travel info to students/parents over the break.


I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, and I look forward to a great spring semester teaching your student!


Rishona Hatcher


Band Students who need a Schedule Change

Dallas Anderson

Olivia Bednarski

Krystian Brill

Danielle Brown

Dylan Brule

Isaiah Cobbs

Dominick Cordova

Sam Ferrington

Victoria Heller

Brian Hensel

Brandon Hill

Cameron Hofer

Mason Kolodziej

Justin Lockwood

Robert Lynch

Nelly Matamoros

Jon May

Stephen May

Nick McMahon

Distin Meyer

Tia Parsons

Robert Patterson

Ryan Richard

Brittany Salazar

Austin Snyder

Nick Taylor

David Turnipseed












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