Thursday 13 December 2012

Bingo thoughts

Hello Everyone!

Another year of bingo almost done WOW!

I would like to have a customer appreciation giveaway at the December 23rd session.  I am hoping I can get some people to donate stuff to put into baskets or just give away.

We could use, Christmas candles,candies, knick nacks, ornaments, ect
or any items you may have that is a stand alone gift.

I would like at least 2 baskets/gifts (one per session) but more would be fun.

Let me know if you can help. Thanks  :o)

Another thought...
We are in need of some replacements for teams members that are leaving. Currently we are in need of a Caller for team 2 and several general workers for team 2.
We will also need another manager by March. None of these are hard jobs, actually it is kinda fun!  PLEASE step up and help. Let's keep the band fees low (who knows, if we can get bingo profit up the fees might even go DOWN!!! )

Third thought...
This month is a 5 week month, therefore we have no team set up for that night. So we need volunteers. It is December 30th this year. PLEASE volunteer, I am guessing it will be a great night... all those people who got money for Christmas will want to spend it!!!

Call or email me if you can help with any of these things  :o)

Thanks for being the BEST Band Parent group ever!!!

Karyn Clark



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