Tuesday 6 November 2012

Not all my emails are coreect....corecct....CORRECT!

we are not respossilbe for immperfectiontiontiontions
This is the Pre:Gate List for:
Broncos Game 11.18.12

Here is the gate List for 525:

Jimmy May Manager
Lara Scherffler Cash Manager
Heather Vigil Cashier
Becky Whelan Cashier
Cindy Pascua Cashier
Heather Santistevin Cashier
Michelle Adams Cashier
Randy Huser Cashier
Justin Lockwood Cook
Thea Whelan ------------------------------Runner
Here is the gate list for 531: (Nacho Stand)
Pam Henderson Cash / Manager
Patricia McKinney Cashier
Miah Solar Cashier
Angela Lewis Cashier

Please let me know if you can't work this. I will be sending the gate list in this week.
I will also be sending the rest of the gate lists out this week so they don't get lost in all the holiday cheer.




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