Tuesday 6 November 2012

We Did It!

OK.....Marching Band season is over! It was a good season! We got to be part of our kids life's and support them in their interests and meet and work with some great people along the way! Yes this email is pretty upbeat. As I've thought about this years show and all the work everybody put into it and all the games, events and races we worked, I've realized that the...... dare I say, "journey", was the best part. We and our kids worked long hours and missed out on somethings we wanted to do, however when I look back the only regret I have is that I did not do more. It's not a guilt thing, it's more of a I love being part of such a great organization! It's the people, it's the instructors, it's our kids, it's us being part of and putting together the best show we could and taking it as far as we could! I hope everybody is proud of their contribution, I know I am. WE DID IT!




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