Thursday 29 November 2012

Winter Percussion Open House - Tues., December 4th

Pomona High School Winter Percussion Open House

Tuesday, December 4th

5:30 to 6:30

Pomona High School

Band Room


Has your student been thinking about winter percussion but was afraid to give it a try?  Next Tuesday, Pomona High School students  and their parents are invited to stop by the band room to get details on the winter percussion season, learn about percussion instruments, and give them a try!  You do not need to be in band!  Both students and parents will have the opportunity to play the instruments.  It will be fun, relaxed, and we’ll have cookies and punch.  Students wishing to stay until 8:30 and practice with the group are welcome to do so.

Stop by and check it out!


The Winter Percussion season starts now with rehearsals Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 8:30.  After Winter break, we add a Saturday rehearsals.  Competitions are typically on Saturdays throughout March and April.  If you are unable to attend the open house, but would like more information about the winter percussion season or percussion at Pomona, please call Alex Entin, Director of Percussion at 720-314-9541 or Annette McMahon (parent) at 303-726-3358.



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