Friday 17 August 2012

Band Info!

Wow!!!  Can you believe tomorrow is the end of August Camp and school starts next week!! The kids have the opener and the ballad on the field! That is amazing!


Tomorrow is the picnic at Fireman’s Park, West of Pomona by the Fire Station.  This is a great tradition celebrating the end of summer and everything that the students have accomplished.


Rehearsal is from 8 – 12 tomorrow.  After that, we will then load the trailer and head to the park.  If parents are at the school to help load that would expedite things for the picnic.  Some families need to leave early to work the Bronco Game so we will feed them first.  If you have not paid, please bring your money to the picnic.


Schedules… by the end of the day everyone should have their schedules fixed.  I encourage everyone to be assertive in getting your students needs met. If you have a problem or concern let the administration know ASAP!  Remember “The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil”, push for results!


See you tomorrow!




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