Wednesday 29 August 2012

Band Updates-Football Game and Bus Sponsors

Thank you to those of you that attended Back To School Night!  I was great to see some new faces!


A few updates…


Friday night, August 31st, Football Game at NAAC Stadium, Hwy 93 and 64th Ave.  This is Pomona’s home stadium.  When the Band plays for Football Games, this is where they will be.  Tomorrow, report is 5:15.  That means READY TO GO!  Not showing up at that time.  If they are early they are on time, if they are on time, they are late. They are to wear Jeans and a Pomona Black Shirt and Jacket.  It can get cold and windy so be sure they follow the dress code request.  Ms Hatcher will take roll and they will load the busses at leave for NAAC at 5:45.  They will have 3rd quarter off to eat something so send money with them.  We will return to Pomona after the game, somewhere between 10 and 10:30.  The students will need to unload all equipment and instruments prior to going home.


PLEASE PARK IN THE FRONT PARKING LOT TO PICK UP YOUR STUDENT!  The reason for this is twofold, first, we need to get the prop truck and the truck pulling the trailer back to the band room for loading and unloading.  When cars drive there it is dangerous and does not allow the trucks to maneuver


Bus Sponsors:  We will have two school busses for the game.  Each Bus will have a Captain and Co-Captain.  Bus 1 – Captain – Margaret Howell, Co-Captain – Lara Schreffler. Bus 1 Sponsors are Angela Lewis and Patricia McKinney.  Bus 2 – Captain – Heather Santistevan, Co-Captain – Lori Bell.  Bus 2 Sponsors are Linda Hill and Heather Vigil.  Responsibilities of the Captain are primarily role and communicating with the Director plans for uniforms, parking etc. Responsibilities of Sponsors  are primarily providing help and support where needed.  Please be at the school no later than 5:00 pm. We have new parents on the busses this season which is great! Please help them in knowing what to do. Heather Santistevan will be organizing the bus assignments as we go through the season. 


If you have any questions, please let me know.  Also, I will be sending out information as I know it today or tomorrow regarding our competition in Albuquerque.


Thanks to everyone!







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