Saturday, 27 October 2012

CBA State Championships

Hi Families!


This was sent to me as Booster President and I am forwarding it on to all of you.  Hope it is helpful!


Thanks, Lorrie


Dear Band Boosters-

Congratulations to you and your band program for qualifying for the Colorado Bandmasters Association State Marching Band Championships. I know the directors and students benefit greatly from your support and work behind the scenes. Just a few things I would like to pass on regarding the state championships at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

1. Schedules, maps, directions, director packets, ticket prices, etc. can all be found on our website at Feel free to pass that information along.


2. All buses, equipment vehicles, spectator cars, etc. need to enter the Air Force Academy through the north gate only. This gate is accessed by taking exit 156B off of I 25. If you try to enter the via the south gate at Academy Blvd you will be re-routed to the north gate. All buses and equipment vehicles will go through a security inspection prior to entering Lot 5 at the stadium. Please inform your equipment truck drivers and bus drivers as they should allow extra time for this inspection.


3. Drivers of any vehicle entering the Academy may be asked to produce a valid drivers license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance. This is especially important for your equipment truck drivers.


4. We will stamp the hands of all students and bus drivers when you arrive. This stamp will get them in and out of the stadium all day.


5. Each director was sent comp tickets to use for chaperones, equipment truck drivers, etc. Please contact your director to discuss distributing those tickets in your group. I used a ratio of one ticket per 15 students and then added one or two more. If your band qualifies for semifinals, you will receive a comp ticket allotment for semifinals after the quarterfinals awards. The same process will be followed if your band qualifies for finals.


6. The spectator entrance will be through gate 3 on the south side of the stadium. This will be the only gate for spectators to enter and exit.


7. The ticket booth will be located near gate 3 (south side of the stadium). Ticket prices may be found on the website at Tickets may be purchased with cash, checks (payable to CBA) or credit cards.

8. If you plan on cooking or serving food at the Air Force Academy we have designated Lot 4 as the only area where this can be done. This is a requirement of the Air Force Academy. No charcoal barbeques are allowed. Please refer to the attached map for the location of Lot 4. You will enter this lot from Stadium Blvd and turn onto the road that goes between Lot 3 and Lot 4.

9. Parking- there will not be a fee to park in the spectator lot per Air For Academy guidelines. The spectator parking lots 2A, 2 and 3 are the closest to the stadium entrance (gate 3 on the south side of the stadium). Handicapped and disabled parking is available in Lot 3.


10. Porta potties- there will be porta potties in the bus parking area as well as a few in the cooking/food serving area.

11. Trash- there will be dumpsters available in the parking area designated for cooking/food serving.

12. Pit/prop helpers- we will have CBA personnel monitoring the parent groups helping with pit equipment and props as they enter the stadium. They will not allow anyone to enter the field area who are not actively helping with the equipment or who does not have a staff pass.

13. Group pictures- Jolesch Photography is the official photographer for the State Championships. Each band will have a group photo taken after their performance. Information regarding ordering pictures will be available on site and at

14. DVD- Joyco Multimedia will film each band in high definition with multiple cameras. You can order a DVD of your band's performance on site or at

On behalf of CBA, I would like to thank you for all of your efforts to support the band program, band students and directors at your school. From my own personal experience I know how much directors and students depend upon your support! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Ken Ovrebo
Chairman of Marching Affairs
Colorado Bandmasters Association


[The entire original message is not included.]


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