Wednesday 24 October 2012

Pot Luck for Saturday WOODWINDS Please read:-)

I can organize the woodwinds.  Please leave a message at:  303-657-6181 Home

                                                                                                         303-503-0767 Cell



Letting me know what you plan to bring.  I am assuming there will be many crock pots, so I will get extension cords and electrical strips to keep things warm.




Heidi Ahrberg

From: "HamGotts" <>
To: "Pomona Music Boosters" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:59:40 AM
Subject: Pot Luck for Saturday

Thanks to Carol Huser for organizing the Brass and the Potato Bar!


Can we have a guard, woodwind and percussion parent step up?  Section leaders could help too.


Many of us have a lot of responsibilities and it would be really helpful for others to step up and take the lead, especially Guard.  Heather Vigil has a lot of responsibilities for those girls.


Percussion and woodwinds too!


Thanks, Lorrie



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