Sunday 21 October 2012

I am writing this out of concern as a parent and for someone to hopefully honestly clarify for me the details of what happened on the bus ride back. I am not sure which bus our daughter, Shaileen, rode, but she text me feeling pretty upset. She told us that she was being sent to the front of the bus by a band parent because she and a group of kids were told they could not play truth or dare anymore and that when told this she had a bad expression on her face and put her hand on her hip. Now, no one needs to tell us that she can have a problem with her attitude, but I would like to know from an adult's perspective what happened. I don't think her expression would be cause enough to put her in the front.
She later informed me that she was allowed to sit in the back again, but also that a couple parents "basically called her a whore". She wouldn't tell me the exact words, but I need to know what did exactly happen. I want to know both sides. And if someone(s) said something implying they think she is a whore, that is not ok.
We are all moving out of state in a few days and Shaileen is staying behind so she can finish the marching band season, so not to leave a hole and be a quiter. Even with whatever it is that happened today, she still insists she stays.
Please help me to understand what happend.

Thank you

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Droid


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