Thursday 25 October 2012

Re: State Week activities

Hi Everyone,


Karen, Patricia and I are taking care of the pizza Thursday night, however we thought it would be nice to also have drinks(with cups if needed) and finger desserts, This would be a fun time to make something spooky.  Please plan on 130 students.  If you are interested please bring them Thursday by 4:15 and please feel free to stay and help.


Thanks you all, I'm sooooo excited for these students.


From: "Karyn Clark" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:13:50 PM
Subject: State Week activities


Typically the parents and boosters plan some state week events for the kids, things like ice cream sundaes, pizza party, root beer floats... things like that... but I have not heard anyone say anything about this yet...

SO... anyone want to help me plan some stuff?  The kids will be practicing every night so little things from us parents make them smile.

We need to make anything that we do CHEAP (free????)... as this season already is costing more than anticipated.

One thought I have is to do a "Trunk-or-Treat" on Wednesday night as they will not be able to do anything but practice, we need as many parents to joins us with a bag (or 2) of candy... that is easy  ;o)

So, if anyone has any ideas email me or call me and lets get some fun things planned. 

Karyn Clark



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