Tuesday 23 October 2012

Important Updates!

Hi everyone!


As you can imagine I am working fast and furious on our plans for this week and next.  I will do everything I can to keep you up to date.


First things first…


I should have a confirmation on our hotel for Friday night, Nov 2 in Colorado Springs by this afternoon.  As soon as I do, I will send out the information as they will be “holding” 15 rooms under the Pomona HS Band for parents and families wanting to stay at the hotel.  If you are planning on going they are requesting you make your reservations by this Friday, October 26th.


For Saturday, October 27th the students will rehearse from 12 – 8 pm because of testing in the morning at Pomona.  We will be having a POT LUCK dinner in the commons approximately 4:30 – 5:30 on Saturday.  The students will be notified of what to bring by section today.


                Woodwinds – Soup or Chile

                Brass – Baked Potatoes and Items for a Baked Potatoe bar

                Persussion – Desert

                Guard – Salad and bread


This needs to feed 150 people or more!


The Boosters will provide drinks and coffee.


I will stay in touch!





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