Monday 29 October 2012

Food and Drink donations for State

Hi everyone,


I believe that we have taken full account of food that we still have available and I have put together a donation request list.


A couple of “housekeeping” items…

1.       Please DO NOT do a reply all, just reply to me

2.       Please have everything in the band temp on Wednesday night, 7:00 PM


That being said, here is what we need…

1.       Drinks (8 cases of water, 200 others, Capri suns, box juice, Gatorade, sunny D)

2.       4 large (Costco size) jars of CREAMY peanut butter

3.       4 – 6 large jars of Grape/strawberry jelly

4.       Carrots and celery sticks, cut up if possible in Tupperware

5.       100 cheese sticks

6.       Hand warmers

7.       150 Rice Krispie treats

8.       150 nutragrain bars

9.       Sandwich size zip lock bags (we have some but they never go bad)

10.   300 napkins

Thank you all so much in advance!




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