Thursday 25 October 2012

Re: Digest for - 10 Messages in 6 Topics

to Heather Vigil - let me know what you need me to bring Saturday for the potluck?
Hillary Young - Guard parent :)

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 1:30 AM, <> wrote:


    Lorrie Ham <> Oct 24 10:48PM -0600  

    With the weather the kids will most likely be inside Thursday night. In trying to find a spot to meet at the school, the auditorium is not available until 730.
    Lets shoot for 730 instead of 700 in the auditorium.
    Thanks, Lorrie


    Karyn Clark <> Oct 24 02:59PM -0700  

    All I can say is WOW!
    I sent out a request for help planning state week activities for the kids
    less than 24 hours ago and look what I got in return!
    We have things planned for every night next week :o)
    If anyone wants to help these WONDERFUL Ladies out with a donation or help
    setting up/serving let them know.
    Monday: Root Beer Floats – After rehearsal – Headed by Carissa Smith
    Tuesday: Ice cream social – After rehearsal - Headed by Andrea Meyer-Pemble
    Wednesday: Trunk or Treat- After rehearsal – ALL PARENTS (come watch the
    final run through then hand out candy)
    Thursday: Pizza Party 4:30 - Rhonda Luebbers
    We truly have the BEST PARENTS! Thank You Everyone!

  Oct 24 11:46PM  

    That is awsome. Do we or can we bring candy for the trick-or-treat bags for the band students?
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Karyn Clark" <>
    Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:59:21 PM
    Subject: WOW we have AWESOME band parents!!!!  State week events...
    All I can say is WOW!
    I sent out a request for help planning state week activities for the kids less than 24 hours ago and look what I got in return!
    We have things planned for every night next week  :o)
    I f anyone wants to help these WONDERFUL Ladies out with a donation or help setting up/serving  let them know.
    Monday: Root Beer Floats – After rehearsal – Headed by Carissa Smith
    Tuesday: Ice cream social – After rehearsal - Headed by Andrea Meyer-Pemble
    Wednesday: Trunk or Treat- After rehearsal – ALL PARENTS ( come watch the final run through then hand out candy )
    Thursday: Pizza Party 4:30 - Rhonda Luebbers
    We truly have the BEST PARENTS !  Thank You Everyone!


    Karyn Clark <> Oct 24 05:30PM -0700  

    Just bring a bag or 2 of candy and yourself (or more friends and family too)
    We are getting some bags donated for the kids
    From: "" <>
    To: Karyn Clark <>
    Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:46 PM
    Subject: Re: WOW we have AWESOME band parents!!!! State week events...

    That is awsome. Do we or can we bring candy for the trick-or-treat bags for the band students?
    From: "Karyn Clark" <>
    Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:59:21 PM
    Subject: WOW we have AWESOME band parents!!!!  State week events...
    All I can say is WOW!
    I sent out a request for help planning state week activities for the kids less than 24 hours ago and look what I got in return!
    We have things planned for every night next week  :o)
    If anyone wants to help these WONDERFUL Ladies out with a donation or help setting up/serving  let them know.

    Monday: Root Beer Floats – After rehearsal – Headed by Carissa Smith
    Tuesday: Ice cream social – After rehearsal - Headed by Andrea Meyer-Pemble
    Wednesday: Trunk or Treat- After rehearsal – ALL PARENTS (come watch the final run through then hand out candy)
    Thursday: Pizza Party 4:30 - Rhonda Luebbers
    We truly have the BEST PARENTS!  Thank You Everyone!


    "HamGotts" <> Oct 24 04:10PM -0600  

    Hi Everyone.

    Here is the State Week schedule that Ms. Hatcher gave the kids.



    Tracey Ripley <> Oct 24 03:22PM -0600  

    I would bring candy on Wednesday. I think that's a great idea. And I will
    try to think of what else we could do that would be affordable. If more
    people chip in it would be cheaper for everyone.
    Tracey Ripley
    On Tuesday, October 23, 2012, Karyn Clark wrote:


    "HamGotts" <> Oct 24 09:59AM -0600  

    Thanks to Carol Huser for organizing the Brass and the Potato Bar!

    Can we have a guard, woodwind and percussion parent step up? Section
    leaders could help too.

    Many of us have a lot of responsibilities and it would be really helpful for
    others to step up and take the lead, especially Guard. Heather Vigil has a
    lot of responsibilities for those girls.

    Percussion and woodwinds too!

    Thanks, Lorrie


    "Annette McMahon" <> Oct 24 12:12PM -0600  

    I can run point for pit and percussion. P & P parents, please respond to
    this email if you are able to bring a dessert, and we'll coordinate type and

    Thank you -

    [] On Behalf Of HamGotts
    Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 10:00 AM
    To: 'Pomona Music Boosters'
    Subject: Pot Luck for Saturday

    Thanks to Carol Huser for organizing the Brass and the Potato Bar!

    Can we have a guard, woodwind and percussion parent step up? Section
    leaders could help too.

    Many of us have a lot of responsibilities and it would be really helpful for
    others to step up and take the lead, especially Guard. Heather Vigil has a
    lot of responsibilities for those girls.

    Percussion and woodwinds too!

    Thanks, Lorrie


    Pamela Henderson <> Oct 24 02:50PM -0600  

    Andrea and Pam will run point for woodwinds. Please respond to this email if your able to provide chili or soup.
    Sent from my iPhone

  Oct 24 02:39PM  

    Hi Everyone,
    A big thanks to the many brass parents who volunteered to help with the potato bar for the potluck this Saturday @ 4:30-5:30 in the Commons area--I will get with all of you soon! 
    Have a good day!
    Carol Huser


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