Wednesday 24 October 2012

RE: Pot Luck for Saturday

I can run point for pit and percussion.  P & P parents, please respond to this email if you are able to bring a dessert, and we’ll coordinate type and quantities.


Thank you –



From: [] On Behalf Of HamGotts
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 10:00 AM
To: 'Pomona Music Boosters'
Subject: Pot Luck for Saturday


Thanks to Carol Huser for organizing the Brass and the Potato Bar!


Can we have a guard, woodwind and percussion parent step up?  Section leaders could help too.


Many of us have a lot of responsibilities and it would be really helpful for others to step up and take the lead, especially Guard.  Heather Vigil has a lot of responsibilities for those girls.


Percussion and woodwinds too!


Thanks, Lorrie



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