Tuesday 2 October 2012

Pomona Festival - Important

Hi Everyone!


Don’t let Kathy Sabin scare you!  We are ready for the weather and will proceed with Festival unless the conditions are too wet to march!


Please be prepared!. Make sure that when your students leave for rehearsal Saturday morning they have PLENTY of warm clothes in their Band Bags!  Even though Pomona is fortunate enough to have a locker room for our band, it is not very big so they will be sitting in the stands watching other bands after they eat.


Also, after talking with Margaret and seeing the volunteer signup sheets you need to know that unless your name is on that list you MUST PAY for a ticket to watch the shows, even just Pomona perform.  This is our revenue and you will NOT be allowed in without your volunteer name badge that you pick up at the volunteer check in at the SOUTH GATE ticket booth.


Remember!  The students will only be bused to the stadium, you must bring them home.


If you have not signed up to help, you still can and so can your friends and family.


There will be a list tomorrow night at our Zia Fest Meeting.


Thank you, Lorrie Ham




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