From: "Heather Santistevan" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 4:05:03 PM
Subject: Bus sponsor
Here is the bus list for this Friday nights game, we are taking 3 buses and am in need of three more sponsors.
Let me know if you can help out and ride the bus.
1) Lara Screffler
2) Margaret Howell
3) Heather Santistevan
4) Angela Lewis
5) Linda Hill
6) Annette McMahon
7) Patricia McKinney
8) Heather Vigil
9) Lori Bell
Bus sponsors for Monday Regional's we are taking three buses to regional's also w need 1 maybe 2 more sponsors to ride.
Let me know if you can ride the bus.
1) Lara Schreffler
2) Margaret Howell
3) Heather Vigil
4) Heather Santistevan
5) Patricia McKinney
6) Lori Bell
7) Lorrie Ham
8) Linda Bellacom
9) Angela Lewis
10) Michele Patterson
11) Rhoda Lubbers (back up waiting to hear from her)
I will let you know times for you all to show up
Thank you all so much for all you do.
Heather Santistevan
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